Crosslisting courses makes them share a Canvas. Choose a course to be the Parent course. Any Child courses crosslisted to the Parent will use the Parent's Canvas.
It is imperative that Child courses do not have Canvas courses created for them. If they do, you will have to delete those Canvas courses before crosslisting.
Similarly, it is necessary to create a Canvas for the Parent before crosslisting any children to it.
- Ensure there is an active Canvas set up for the Parent course.
- Go to myACU.
- Find the My Courses widget.
- Ensure the correct term is selected.
- Click the Course Tools icon
next to the Parent course.
- Click the "Crosslist Courses" link.
- Click the check box next to each course that you want to crosslist.
- Tools are usually created within an hour or two.
- An email notification will be sent to the instructor when the process is completed.