How do I use the Ethernet port in my residence hall room?


Residence hall Ethernet ports are reset every year and a request to activate the port in your room must be submitted in order for the port to be activated. Fill out this Port Activation Request form to submit a request for activation. You may not submit this form on behalf of another person. 

You will receive an email notification as soon as the port is activated. If you submit your request during high traffic times, such as the beginning of the school year, there will be a delay in the time it takes for your port to be activated.

Ethernet is not available in some residence halls:

Adams Hall
Barret Hall
Edwards Hall
Morris Hall
Nelson Hall
Smith Hall
University Park
Bullock Hall
Mabee Hall
Dillard Hall
Wessel Hall





Article ID: 43159
Mon 11/27/17 7:33 PM
Thu 8/15/24 10:54 AM