How do I give someone access to just one file in a Shared Drive?


When you add a member to a Shared Drive, that person will have access to all files in the Shared Drive and will have the same permission level for all files as set when added. If you wish to share only some files, or to give someone different levels of permission for different files, you must set sharing on a per-file basis.

  1. Do not add the person to the Shared Drive, or if already a member of the Shared Drive, remove the person.
  2. Open the file you wish to share, and click the Share button in the upper-right.
  3. Set the permission level and desired notification as normal.

It is also possible to use both Shared Drive membership and individual file sharing in tandem with the same person. Just know that whichever permission level is higher will override the other. For example, if you add someone as a member to the drive as a Viewer, that person will not be able to edit any files, but can view them all. If you then go to a specific file and give that person Edit level permission on the file, then the person will be able to edit that file. Similarly if you add a member to the Shared Drive as a Contributor, setting their access on an individual file to View will not revoke their Contributor access granted by Shared Drive membership.



Article ID: 53986
Wed 5/16/18 9:59 AM
Tue 12/3/24 9:29 AM