How can I use Zoom securely?

With the increased use of Zoom both on-campus and worldwide, there has been a similar increase in concern with the security and privacy of the application. Below you will find a set of best practices that you can use to help address some of these concerns. Most of these are the default settings withing Zoom. By using the default settings in Zoom, you can decrease the likelihood of having unwanted guests interrupting your meetings. 

Use Private Meetings

When you create a Zoom meeting, the default setting is for a random unique meeting ID to be created. We strongly recommend using this generated meeting ID rather than using your Personal Meeting ID (PMI). Your PMI is like a personal phone number. Anyone with that ID can join any meeting you use with it. By generating a private meeting, with a randomized ID, you significantly increase the privacy of that meeting. Details on scheduling a meeting can be found in this Zoom support article.

Use a Meeting Password

It is always helpful to utilize a meeting password for your meetings to prevent unwanted participants from simply stumbling upon your meeting ID. Adding a password to a meeting can be done when you create the meeting and helps to ensure only people with that password can join. Details on scheduling a meeting can be found in this Zoom support article.

Use the Latest Version

Zoom is consistently introducing improvements in privacy and security. It is helpful to ensure you are using the latest version of the application. In the application, you can click on your profile in the upper-right and then select “Check for Updates.”

Require that Participants Authenticate

When setting up individual Zoom meetings, you can select the option “Only authenticated users can join meetings,” as this setting is not enabled by default. With this setting, participants will be required to authenticate with their ACU account to connect to a meeting (limiting access to individuals with an ACU account).

Other useful links

Removing Participants and Lock your Meeting
Control screen sharing
Use a Waiting Room

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Article ID: 104689
Tue 4/7/20 4:03 PM
Mon 1/22/24 3:47 PM

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