How do I set up the GET Mobile app?

Use the following instructions to set up and use the GET Mobile: ID Card Management application for your virtual card and mobile access needs.

  1. Navigate to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and search for "GET Mobile." Ensure you select the app by developer The CBORD Group, Inc. Install the app.Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  2. Open the app and search for "Abilene Christian University."
  3. Log in with your Single Sign-On account.
  4. Create a PIN (it will only be the PIN for this app).
  5. Start using the app.

Useful tips from the Home screen:

  • You can use the "Scan Card" button to display your digital ID card for verification purposes (For example: can be used at some fast-food restaurants to obtain a student discount).
  • You can also use "Mobile Access" to remotely lock or unlock doors that you have access.
  • You can use the "Accounts" tab to view your current CS Gold Account Balances. 
  • Navigate to "Settings" to update your contact information, addresses or app PIN.
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Article ID: 150012
Tue 2/28/23 3:02 PM
Wed 2/28/24 1:57 PM