Why does Adobe say my free trial is about to expire?

Sometimes, while using Adobe Creative Cloud products, you may get a pop-up saying that your free trial will expire soon and that you will need to purchase a license.

If you happen to get a pop-up like this, all you will need to do is:

  1. Close out of all Adobe products.
  2. Open the Creative Cloud application.
  3. Click on the profile in the upper-right. 
  4. Click Sign out.
  5. Click Continue.
    • This will bring you back to the Sign in screen.
  6. Enter your ACU email and you'll be redirected to the myACU sign-in page.
    • It may also ask you if it's a personal or school account, choose school.
  7. Enter your myACU password.
  8. Click Yes to stay signed in.

After you have signed back in, it may take a moment before it loads the license. If it still says you're in a trial version after a few minutes, please call the Support Center at (325) 674-5555.