How can I prepare for the account changes that will occur after I graduate?

Google Account

You will continue to have access to your ACU email account for a year after you graduate, so long as you continue to use it. After a year, your account will be deactivated. We strongly recommend moving to a personal email account. You can find instructions for migrating your data to a personal account at the link below

Before your account is disabled, we recommend that you set up a vacation responder that directs contacts to your new email address.

Adobe Creative Cloud

The Adobe Creative Cloud account you have through Abilene Christian University cease to be active at the time of your graduation or other discontinued attendance. You can migrate your Adobe CC assets to new Creative Cloud free membership accounts that include trial versions of most of Adobe’s creative apps, and you can easily upgrade to get full versions. This will help ensure ongoing access to your creative work and web portfolios.

As a recent graduate of ACU, Adobe offers a 40% discount on the Creative Cloud Suite of applications for the first year. Use the link below to see the offer of the 20+ creative apps you have come to experience, including Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, and InDesign CC. Sign up using your ACU email address to receive the discounted price.

Microsoft Office 365

Like the Adobe CC subscription, our license for Office 365 only extends to you while you are still an active student. You can purchase an ongoing personal subscription at a discounted rate using the link below.

If you have files stored in OneDrive, you can either move them out manually or follow the instructions in the article bloew

Alumni Connections

We recognize that staying connected to ACU after you graduate is important. To ensure you remain in touch with the ACU community, we encourage you to visit our Alumni Site and set up an account. You can then keep our Alumni team up to date on your contact information, including your new email address.

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