If you are a faculty or staff member with an ACU-owned machine, you can back up your data easily and securely with CrashPlan.
If you are already logged in to CrashPlan:
- Your computer is backing up automatically.
- If your computer stops backing up, you will be notified by email.
If you are not already logged in to CrashPlan:
- Navigate to crashplan.acu.edu.
- Sign in with your ACU email address.
- You will be redirected to an SSO login, use your ACU credentials.
- If you do not have an account, please use this link.
- On the top of the screen, select "Administration" and "Downloads."
- Download which version you need.

- Run the installer.
- Select the option Install for all users.
- Once the installation is complete, a login screen should appear.
- In the username section, type your ACU email address.
- For the server address, type "clients.us2.crashplan.com."
- It will then ask you to sign through SSO.

Once signed in, you should see a screen similar to this:
This screen means that CrashPlan is backing up the computer.
When Crashplan has completed backing up your computer, a green checkmark will appear in the main area of the screen.
CrashPlan will back up the computer every four hours.