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    Services or Offerings?
    ACU IT provides support for a variety of software used for Academic Purposes. If you are needing assistance with one of them, you can use this service to request help.

    Account information, username and password, systems used to manage accounts, unlocking accounts.

    The ACU VPN allows access to restricted campus resources from off-campus.

    ACU's IT department provides support for a wide variety of Administrative Software.

    ACU provides access to Adobe Creative Cloud to all active Faculty, Staff, and Students. If you need assistance with it in any way, use this service.

    Use this form to make a request to expand your Google Storage limits temporarily. This expansion will be in effect through the end of March, regardless of when the request is made or processed. As of April 1st, normal applicable limits will be implemented.

    The system that uses voice commands to route phone calls.

    Banner lets you interact with institutional information such as student and employee records, course enrollment, affiliates, etc.

    WordPress blogs at ACU.

    Cable Television on campus is facilitated through IT. Use this service for requests related to that service.

    ACU's Learning Management System for hosting class resources, turning in and grading assignments, etc.

    ACU provides a variety of audio and video equipment for our classrooms.